I wanted to wish her and her new hubs a happy first five months with this blog post. Plus, it's so hot and muggy right now, that I thought some winter wedding pics might put a bit of a chill in the air.
So, here's some pics from her big day - all taken by me, the very, very, very non-pro photographer.
Their gorgeous rings. That's right. It's a vintage diamond.
The bride and groom in their winter wedding finery.
Me, squeezing Sarah
Reception smooches. We are not above the annoying glass clinking, even at their classy reception. C'mon. This is Wisconsin people. Just be happy we didn't do the chicken dance, okay?
Their pretty cake. Red freakin' velvet.
A long shot of the couple at the end of the table.
Memorable moments and phrases (don't you hate it when people put inside jokes on their blogs?):
"It tastes like bandages." as said by Sharon
"Frankie says relax" as said by Rick
The giant tangle of lights that were somehow magically supposed to go onto the arch, on the floor of the Manie and Tina's livingroom floor. Jonathan trying to splice the wires to fix it, and then promptly going to the store to get icicle lights. Such a dear.
The hot waiter at Manny's.
Me wearing my giant, bright white Sorel boots, and then discovering that's all I had to wear, so all of us had to go to the mall so I could buy some real shoes.
Happy Month-iversary, my dear Sarah. May you have a lifetime of inside jokes, amazing food and wine, belly-laughs, and sweet, beautiful love with that man of yours. You deserve complete bliss.