Monday, July 28, 2008

Getting Inventive vs. Facing Roadblocks

I feel like I have a million things swirling in my head and circulating on list after list of all the things I "need". I feel like it's actually stifling me, holding me back from doing a lot of things. We just finished putting wood laminate flooring in our main floor - and it looks sooo good btw. We finished the moulding last night, and now everything is moved back into place. Now, I have to clean/dust and put all my things (read: pictures, candles, knick-knacks) back into place. But, I felt like I couldn't finish all that until I had a Swiffer Dry Vac to clean up the floors when I'm done. Seriously, like I couldn't have gotten started even? That seems very obsessive to me. Or maybe really lazy.
It is so the same deal that I have with scrapbooking. "I need this and this and this before I can even think about starting this project". That seems absurd to me now in this lucid moment, my thoughts unclouded by the dizzying product drunkeness of my basement studio (the word "studio" is used very, very loosely here). I have SO much paper, SO much cardstock, and SO many stamps, stickers, embellies, alphabets, and on and on and on. How could I possibly NOT make something. Case and point: the album pictured - although poorly pictured. It was made as a "birthday album" for a friend/co-worker. I made it entirely (except the album itself) with things I already have. She, of course, does not know or care that it's all super old DCWV stack stuff, that I almost cringe at. Why? It really is pretty paper - simple stripes and dots and florals. What could be wrong with that?
I know it's been discussed ad naseaum on Two Peas, and Ali E. has addressed it. I just really need to start to use what I have. Some of my favorite pages are the ones where I've had to be inventive. To use the stuff in my stash and tell the story. To tell the story better, not necissarily prettier. Although, pretty is nice.
I have lots of pending projects, including a baby album for the friend mentioned above. I am pushing myself to dig a little deeper in that studio/dungeon and get inventive.

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