Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ahhh Mr. Lightbody....you stir me up

I don't think I'm that easily starstruck, but when it comes to this man, I could turn into a screaming teenager in a kitty-wink (in reality, if I really ever saw him in "real-life" I would probably just freeze, as the sight of him would cause my nervous system to cease). Sure, he's just a dude who can sing and is musically/lyrically talented, you say. Maybe it is the lyrical thing that really draws me the most. So yeah, I've had all the training with voice lessons since forever ago, radical community musical theatre, and the whole music degree thing. But really, talk to me about chord progressions, The Golden Mean, and every tiny tid-bit of the history of this and that, and it will never hold a candle to the words for me. Granted, I do realize that all the rest is just as vital. But, give me the right words and I'm rapt. The gloriously painful clarity that loving someone brings - especially when you've screwed things up irreparably. Those are the feelings that Gary's eloquence brings to life. And damn, that's what I love. It brings back the days of my youth when I just couldn't end one relationship and then begin another, if you know what I mean...

I'm most compelled by the honesty, I suppose...it's the kind of "put it out there" attitude that seems like it would make for awkward family dinners with the girlfriend. "So, Gary, dear, sounds like you and the Mrs. are havin' some trouble....anything you wanna talk about?" I've always loved people who don't have any reticense about saying what's really going on sans the socially comforting sugar-coating. That's something I have trouble with, so I've always admired that quality.

So, the moral of my tirade is: Listen to Snow Patrol, you'll like it. And listen to more than "Chasing Cars" for goodness sake.

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