Friday, July 04, 2008

Rough day

I absolutely hate days like this...days when I lose my cool and feel totally out of control when it comes to my son. He's certainly changing. Gone are the days of my sweet, tiny guy who was happy to be held or sleep alone in his Pack 'n Play, soothed by just a little music. Now, with teething and just general attitude, he cries, he hollers, he does a lot of whining. Lots. So, I get angry when I can't figure out what he needs, and when he's so obviously tired and yet refuses to take even one little nap. He is, of course, still incredibly sweet, and I should take most of this as great stuff. To remember this time last year, when he was so incredibly sick, always the first baby the doctors would round on in the morning. I was just praying that I would be able to bring him home and deal with the whining/crying/no napping.
Jason, as usual knows exactly how to make me feel better. When I'm convinced Owen hates me, he says "You and I are the only people he wants to come to when he is scared or hurt. He doesn't hate you, he loves his Momma". Okay. So he's got me there.
So, there it is. Some days are bad, and I yell and scream (which does not help one iota, in case you were wondering), and then I feel awful. Some days I could definitely try harder to be a better mom, but some days I just have to accept that I am not going to be perfect, and that I am going to make mistakes (lots of them). But, it will be okay. We will all be okay.

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